Due-diligence Investigation

The best way to minimize the risk associated with a business investment is to be in a position to make a well-informed decision regarding the merits and risks associated with your acquisition target. The professionals at SR Risk Management provide due diligence services which will assist you in making such a decision.

Due diligence provides you with a detailed insight into your acquisition target. The process involves conducting an investigation into the commercial, financial and taxation affairs of the target.

• Open Sources

• Government data

• Legislation Information

• Telecommunication Analyze

• Financial Trawling

• Personal Credit Stand

• Investments

• Property Search

• Data beyond online

• Political Screening

• Tax Information

• Evidence Management

A due diligence investigation probes deeply into the history of a business, property, individual, or other subject. An investigation can uncover any illegal or improper activity that has been suppressed. It can reveal a history of litigation that the subject was involved in in the past. It can also provide in-depth information regarding a subject’s finances, past performance, client history, reputation, and anything else that could be a liability.

Some specific examples of liabilities that an investigation might reveal include:

• A history of financial problems, such as bankruptcies and foreclosures

• A history of litigation or accusations of fraud

• An undisclosed affiliation with an associate with a poor reputation

• A history of overseas human rights violations

• An individual’s criminal history

The process of a due diligence investigation has three stages:

1. The process begins with a discussion of the goals of the investigation. It is important to begin with a clear understanding of what the client hopes to accomplish and what types of risks could pose the greatest liability.

2. Once goals are established, the investigator will conduct the necessary research, investigation and analysis.

3. Finally, he or she will present a report detailing all the information that was uncovered and highlighting any potential areas of concern.

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