
In most cases, our operatives will present themselves as a willing volunteer or employee and join the targeted organization or group. Often we will provide the operative with desired interests in an effort to introduce the agent to the group so that he/ she will be readily accepted. The first task of our operative is to gain unquestionable acceptance within the group. Our undercover investigators can determine if there is reason for concern regarding:

• Theft

• Substance abuse

• Workplace violations

• Fraud

• Compliance issues

• Supervision issues

• Work productivity

• Safety issues

Acting competently, our undercover operative is able to catch nuances, build trust, and develop leads that create a better understanding of the situation or the locale. Our covert operatives provide clients with the intelligence they need to address a specific problem or to confirm that their concerns are unfounded. We provide Management with timely reports to keep them informed of the investigation.

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